Simplicity is Best (a poem by Jack)

Sometimes the simple things escape me..

Be careful when staring at the sun… You may go blind…

Look at me… If you dare… The daughter of a virgin galaxy and son of a rebellious nebula…

I am but One!

Perhaps I have over thought the solution… And incorrectly stated the premise…

I speak for the indigo… Through the indigo by way of Jack…

In Neverland he’s everywhere… Filtering all transmission…

Look up at the sky… You see a skeletal remains… The moon plays coy… Hiding in eye socket of the sky’s skull…

Dead man Jack…

A cataclysmic extinction level event..  Of no worries.. We’re just trimming the fat… You too may be saved… Stare into the sun… Lose focus.. See colors.. Follow the indigo and eventually that path will lead you to redemption…

The way!

It Is near… Closer than you think… Know thyself… 

And the path will reveal itself in the process…

Do not allow the simple things to escape you… Complexity will exonerate you but the simple things will transfigure your soul…

And eventually save you…

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